Our Five Initiative Areas:

Thriving Neighborhoods.

CDCs revitalize distressed communities by building, rehabilitating, and preserving affordable, safe homes and rentals for Ohio families, senior citizens and veterans. Housing development and counseling help Ohio families and communities become stable. Stable communities attract new jobs and businesses which make neighborhoods thrive.

Lasting Change.

Through local engagement, residents can take ownership of their community and are empowered to make lasting changes through grass roots efforts.

Creating, Building, Attracting.

Community economic development creates jobs and entrepreneurship opportunities, builds individual and community wealth, and attracts capital to disinvested communities.

Emphasizing Local.

CDCs strengthen local food systems, which improve access to healthy foods and benefits the community, its economy, and the environment.

Coach and Contribute.

CDCs provide education and asset building tools so low and moderate income families can become financially independent, improve credit, reduce debt, and foreclosure risk, and contribute to community stability.

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